Monthly Archives: November 2011

How would you distribute the money if you were in charge of Europe?

Try the Budget Europe  game, where you can make your own European Budget, by dragging 100 billion Euros to different items.
The items are  Sustainable growth; Natural resources; Citizenship; Freedom, Safety and justice; EU as a global partner and Administration.

Try to decide how much money each of these should get!

After you have submitted your game, you can see what Europe looks like in your future. See the videos with explanations and compare your budget with the real one!

ICT VentureGate launches new e-Training tools on investment readiness for SMEs

ICT-VentureGate is an FP7 project that aims to facilitate the financing of attractive ICT SMEs, which have participated in the Sixth and/or Seventh Framework Programmes and are seeking sources of venture capital to commercialise the results of their R&D activities. It is working on the creation of innovative solutions to enable effective interactions between SMEs in ICT projects under the Framework Programmes and innovation investors, such as business angels and venture capital investors.

The project is implemented by a Consortium composed of six partners:
Paragon Ltd. from Malta (Coordinator); APRE from Italy; Euro-Consultants Ltd. from Israel;  Geonardo Ltd. from Hungary; Invent SAS and Synbea from France.

ICT VentureGate has created a number of tools aimed to bridge the gap between SMEs and investors, and to assist SMEs involved in ICT projects to access private funding.
These tools include:

  • A matchmaking platform where to date we already have over 200 SMEs and 30 investors registered, who can present their projects, interact and exchange information with the perspective of realising successful deals.
    You are welcome to subscribe:
  • A tailor made e-training course that helps SMEs to prepare themselves for the meetings with investors and improve their investment readiness.

The e-training materials can help you to improve your awareness of early stage investment and private equity investors. The course will also support you in improving the presentation of your business to investors, increase your chances of getting in contact with investors and to get early stage financing for your business ideas

  • A series of events are being organised where ICT SMEs have the opportunity to get coaching by European experts in order to develop their investment readiness, to meet investors and to present their business ideas for them.