Monthly Archives: June 2011

Memories from FP7 Mid-term evaluation conference

The Conference roomWe organised a free conference ,-called FP7 Mid-Term Evaluation-to allow for a discussion on lessons learnt from the first half of FP7 and make  conclusions to bring with us for the next half and even into the next framework programme, now we know Horizon 2020.

Two days of presentations and interactive discussions – very good speakers covered the many areas of FP7: financial, Intellectual Property Rights, SMEs perspective, evaluation procedure and much more.

(The presentations are downloadable if you are interested!)

The main conclusions were, that we still have a lot of opportunities in FP7 and we still have to get used to and  understand the rules and their changes implemented in this programme, such as the consequences of the remote and two-stage evaluations, or the simplification measures in average personnel costs, etc. Simplification that need clarification now. Just have a look at the Financial Guidelines which grew to more than 100 pages over the past years.
Boat trip
In the evening we went for a boat trip on the Danube – to enjoy a guided tour and good Hungarian food and wine and of course each others company. The perfect occasion for networking and making new contacts.

And the weather was just perfect!

We all learnt a lot during these days and it was of course very nice to meet so many people!


What is the difference between productive hours and total paid hours…???

What is the difference between productive hours and total paid hours…???

This and much more was discussed yesterday and today in the last FP7 Financial and Management course for  the spring semester. A nice group of people from several countries came to Budapest to discuss Financial & technical reporting, audits, hourly rates and much more.

As usual the boattrip in the evening was something really special to enjoy the beutiful views of Budapest, to enjoy good wine and food, to make new friends and discuss new project ideas.

There are of course more course coming up in the Autumn, the next one will be in the end of September. See you maybe there?


Are you an R&D performing SME* looking for funding?

Are you an R&D performing SME* looking for funding?

If yes, then the Eurostars Programme can be interesting for you!

This programme, targeted to SMEs needs offers funding for the development of new products, processes and services and the access to transnational and international markets. The website  provides all information needed, including guidance on how to apply and you can also check out previously funded projects. And it even has its own blog!   The next deadline is 22 September 2011, so check out the website for more information if you are interested!

* Research-performing SMEs are SMEs which dedicate at least 10% of their turnover or full-time equivalent (FTE) to research activities.

Audits, time sheets, personnel hourly calculation and Gott och Blandat

Audit, timesheets, personnel hourly calculation & Gott och Blandat (Scandinavian candy)… Today is dedicated to sort out all kind of financial issues, we are organizing a training course on FP7 Financial reporting & Audits. So many nice people from all over.. and it is of course always good to see returning participants again! Especially when it’s Midsummer, what fits better than receiving some Scandinavian candy ?? (Thank you!!)


Happy Midsummer!

Happy Midsummer!

If you are working with Sweden, today you are likely to get no answers to your emails, or very short ones. Today is one of the most cheerful days of the year in Sweden where we celebrate with raising and dancing around a maypole.  The typical menu would include the year’s first potatoes, herring, snaps and strawberries. Yummie!

Working with many partners from different countries means many different holiday periods so summer can be quite a slow period to work in European projects… At the same time, June and early July is also the time to finish up everything for the first half of the year. Tricky…

I’m wishing you all a nice weekend!


The EU India Coop initiative is growing!

We are happy to welcome the EURAXESS Links India at the EU-India S&T Cooperation Portal!

The EURAXESS Links India is an information and networking tool for European researchers, scientists, and scholars working in or commuting to India. This multidisciplinary network includes members at all stages of their careers. It allows them to connect with each other and with Europe, ensuring that they are recognized as an important resource for European research, whether they remain in India or return to Europe.  

Visit their website , it has lots of useful information!

Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

Finally we have the suggestion for the name for the next Framwork programme – it’s not FP8 but Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The name „Horizon” was suggested in a open online consulation, the year “2020” is meant to show how the framework programme supports the research and innovation objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy  and the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation” connects the new framework programme with the previous ones

The winning suggestion was announced yesterday by the Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn who stated:

„So the new name is an important symbol of a new departure and a new adventure.”

„Horizon 2020 is not just a new name for the same Framework Programme. It is the name for the new, integrated funding system that will cover all research and innovation funding currently provided through the Framework Programme for Research and Technical Development, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). These different types of funding will be brought together in a coherent and flexible manner. „

For more information, read the full press release by the EC!

Health funding opportunities in Third countries

The new calls are coming up, and the European Commission recently organized an Info session on Health  for the upcoming calls. We, within the Access4EU projects  took the opportunity to inform about funding opportunities in third countries more precisely in the following countries: Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea, South Africa and the United States of America.

The funding opportunities were presented shortly at a session in the Info day and we also organized a longer programme in the evening with cocktail and possibilities to discuss with representatives from the various countries. It was a very nice evening and I think we all learnt a lot!

If you didn’t have the chance to attend, you can find all the presentations on the website and if you have questions or want more information, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Do you qualify as SME?

Did you know that Small and Medium enterprises are especially encouraged to take part in FP7 ?! Funding in RTD activities is at 75 % instead of 50 % as for large companies, and the overhead calculation can also be more generous even without having a very sophisticated accounting system- up to 60 % of the direct costs.

This leaflet might be useful to help define if your organisation comply with the criteria to be classified as SME. And as usual, feel welcome to write us if you have questions!